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    Drawsoc’s First Event of Semester Two!

    Drawsoc started off the second term with a clay class, as this was one of their most popular classes last semester.  Auditor Yara writes about what went on in the quad room this Tuesday evening past…

    Like usual, our class attracted a wide range of students.  Both Irish and international students took part, from a diverse spread of courses. The committee provided our members with all the materials they needed. We got to know some of the members of the society who were present before briefly explained how to work with clay.

    After this our members were free to release their creativity and create what they wanted. Clay proved to be such a fun material to work with. Everyone got to chat with each other while getting creative and de-stressing at the same time.

    Drawsoc prides itself on faciliating weekly creative art classes in a relaxed environment. We’re excited for the rest of semester, but especially for next week, which is refreshers week.

    During refreshers week we’ll be hosting a sketching class through the Irish language with Teach na Gaeilge, a coffee & colouring morning with LGBTQ+, and a Mixers class. In other words, more good vibes are to come!