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    Arab Society

    The UCD Arab Society was founded in 2016 to promote and foster Arab multinational unity, multicultural and inter-faith dialogue, and understanding of the history and culture of individual Arabic nations between students at University College Dublin. ArabSoc is committed to provide a tolerant and harmonious environment that respects and incorporates, as a whole, the wishes of the individuals within it.

    2020 was a difficult year for our society, as we had to resort to online events which we had moderate success with, which is exactly why we have a lot planned for 2021, and hope to see many of you come along to the events which we’ll be (hopefully) hosting throughout the year!

    We will be hosting a variety of events like Arabic music nights, lunches and much more! Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook (@UCDArabSoc) and keep an eye on the events which we will share on all of our social medias!

    Society Photo Album