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    Afternoon LGBTea

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    Afternoon LGBTea

    LGBTQ+ Society
    • 11 Apr 2024, 02:00 pm
    • UCD Student Centre,Meeting Rooms 5/6/7

    Whats About

    Savor an enriching Afternoon LGBTea with Film Society as we delve into the world of queer media! Join us for a relaxed and insightful gathering where we'll discuss the representation, impact, and evolution of LGBTQ+ themes in film and television. From groundbreaking classics to contemporary favorites, let's explore the diverse narratives that have shaped and reflected our community's experiences. Enjoy a cup of tea, engage in meaningful conversations, and expand your understanding of queer storytelling across different genres and cultures. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with fellow film enthusiasts and celebrate the power of representation in media!